why i post the video? hmmmm of coz la related dengan hari2 ku. next week my parent mau berjumpe dgn his parent. hopefully kata sepakat dapat di putuskan. it's nothing to dibesarkan because i intend to do a close discussion about this event. no doubt every girls are so eager waiting for the engagement day but personally speaking, i dont want lavish things happen. so just make a close discussion between two sides.
i decided with him and he agreed with it.
so, wish me all the best until menuju pada hari dan detik untuk disatukan.
hati ingin di belai olehmu,
dampingilah aku dekatilah aku,
bersatu menuju kejalan-Nya yang hakiki,
penciptaku, aku berdoa kepada-MU,
lindungilah kami dan berkatilah perjalanan hidup pada setiap hari yang dititi,
kesatuan dan kesamaan aku cari,
zat-Mu yang hakiki
ku mencari rahmat-Mu ya Illahi.
happy for u dear! tkecare with GOD blessed. <3